After more than ten years on television, on May 16, the CBS sitcom’s final episode aired, and Kaley Cuoco, who plays Penny, appeared upbeat as the closing curtains were drawn. On Thursday morning, the 33-year-old was seen preparing for an appearance on CBS This Morning while in New York.

Since 2007, the actress has played Penny and has already paid tribute to the well-liked role she would be leaving behind in an interview with Entertainment Weekly.

She declared that I would owe all of my career to this show. Regardless of what I do following this. We are who we are as a result of this. We spent 12 years here. Our career involves a lot of this. Despite her best efforts, Kaley could not contain her tears as she introduced The Big Bang Theory documentary on Thursday.

Johnny Galecki, the co-star, tweeted a snippet from the show. She was deciphering The Mystery, a program aired following the season finale. The actress playing Penny broke down in tears as she welcomed viewers to the event. In the brief footage, Kaley said: “As we say goodbye, we want to take you behind the scenes and share some secrets.”

By Damyan Ivanov

My name is Damyan Ivanov and i was born in 1998 in Varna, Bulgaria. Graduated high school in 2016 and since then i'm working on wordpress news websites.