Like with Season 5, STARZ is releasing individual promos for the main characters for Outlander Season 6. Here’s a look at Jamie’s tease.

Outlander Season 6 is coming. Within the season is going to be the start of a war. Claire, Brianna, and Roger all know what is to come, and they know some of the events that will lead to it.

However, it’s Jamie who has to decide what to do with the knowledge. That’s something he talks about in the 15-second tease for his character this season. You can feel the anxiety bubbling among the characters who know what is going to happen with no way of stopping it.

Of course, do they want to stop it? What would happen if America doesn’t become America? That is a topic for another day.

Outlander Season 6 Jamie promo
The clip is like those from the fifth season. It’s a still of the character with a line from the upcoming season over the top. In this one, Jamie is thinking about the future. Take a look at the promo below:

Jamie states, “For those of us that have this knowledge of the future, it must inform our decisions.”

We know he’s right. Jamie knows what is to come thanks to the people around him from the future. That doesn’t mean he can just follow it blindly. He has tenants to think about. He has a family to keep safe. He needs to use the knowledge of the future to inform the decisions that he will make to get to there.

It’s not going to be easy, though. It’s not like Jamie can tell everyone that Claire, Brianna, and Roger are all from the future. Instead, he needs to use his leadership skills to be able to encourage the other people on the Ridge to follow him and trust him.


By Ivaylo Angelov

Ivaylo Angelov born in Bulgaria, Varna graduated School Geo Milev is Tvserieswelove's Soaps Editor and oversees all of the section's news, features, spoilers and interviews.