A new show set within the universe of The Big Bang Theory is currently in development, offering fans of the popular sitcom a potential continuation of the beloved characters and storylines. Premiering in 2007, The Big Bang Theory initially struggled with ratings and underwent changes to its premise and pilot before ultimately becoming a hit show in the 2010s. However, the show came to an unexpected end in 2019 due to Jim Parsons’ decision to leave the series.

Since then, CBS has expanded The Big Bang Theory universe with the successful spin-off series, Young Sheldon, which explores the origins of Sheldon Cooper. Now, Warner Bros. Television and Chuck Lorre Prods. are reportedly considering several possibilities for another show set in The Big Bang Theory universe.

One option being considered is a spin-off centered around the rest of Sheldon’s family after he moved to California, focusing on characters such as his siblings Missy and Georgie, as well as his mother Mary and his grandmother Meemaw. This could be a family comedy that delves into the challenges and adventures of Sheldon’s family members as they navigate life without him.

Another potential spin-off could revolve around Paige Swanson, a fellow child prodigy who was introduced in Young Sheldon. Paige is a more social and well-adjusted character compared to Sheldon, but has faced her own share of challenges, including her parents’ divorce and dropping out of college. Her troubled past could be the basis for an intriguing storyline in a spin-off series that explores her journey and character development.

CBS and Lorre could also choose to continue the success of Young Sheldon by creating another prequel series, this time centered around Howard Wolowitz. Howard is a popular character known for his eccentric personality and close relationship with his mother. A prequel series could follow Howard’s life as a child and teenager, exploring his early years before the events of The Big Bang Theory.

Another possibility for a spin-off show is centered around Stuart Bloom, the comic book store owner who was a prominent side character in The Big Bang Theory. Kevin Sussman, who portrayed Stuart, initially auditioned for main roles such as Sheldon and Howard, but ultimately found success as Stuart. A spin-off series could give Stuart his own storyline and explore his character further, potentially appealing to fans who are familiar with his emotional journey in the original show.

Finally, there is the option of a spin-off focused on Rajesh Koothrappali, the diehard romantic of the Pasadena gang who remained loveless in the finale of The Big Bang Theory. A spin-off series could follow Raj as he continues his search for love, delving into his personal and professional life as he navigates relationships and friendships.

Overall, there are several exciting possibilities for a brand-new show within The Big Bang Theory universe. While no official decision has been made, fans can look forward to the potential continuation of their favorite characters and storylines in a new spin-off series.

By Damyan Ivanov

My name is Damyan Ivanov and i was born in 1998 in Varna, Bulgaria. Graduated high school in 2016 and since then i'm working on wordpress news websites.