Alice in Borderland is a Japanese survival thriller where gamers find themselves trapped in a parallel Tokyo-based universe and must compete in a number of sadistic games in order to escape. The show was a hit before Squid Game became an international success and is now back for season two with the challenges even more dangerous than before. Here’s a rundown of what happened to Ann in Alice in Borderland’s second series, including her fate.

Does Ann die in Alice in Borderland?
Forensic scientist for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Ann (Ayaka Miyoshi) is a high-ranking member of the Beach, an organisation formed by the Hatter and the other surviving players.

She uses rationale and quick thinking to figure out the games and so far, that has very much worked in her favour.

In season two, episode seven, things don’t go quite according to plan for the team as they engage in a deadly battle with the King of Spades.

He ends up killing a number of players and leaving others seriously injured as they attempt to bring him down for good.

Unfortunately, one of those left with potentially life-threatening injuries was Ann, who was shot several times by the King of Spades.

Fans assumed she was a goner as it appeared she was going to die in the final few moments of the seventh episode.

Thankfully, this was not the case and so Ann did not die as a result of her horrific injuries.

This was because Arisu (Kento Yamazaki) and Usagi (Tao Tsuchiya) were able to go on and complete the Queen of Hearts challenge.

As they were able to beat the Queen of Hearts, all of the surviving players were given a choice.

They could either remain in the Borderland as permanent residents or choose to leave and, hopefully, return to the real world.

All of the survivors chose to leave Borderland, except Banda (Hayato Isomura) and Yaba (Maiguma Katsuya) but Ann wasn’t able to choose as she appeared to die earlier on.

So Kuina (Asahina Aya), who was lying next to her, chose on Ann’s behalf, deciding to bring her back to the real world.

Once their decisions were made, the survivors found themselves in the hospital that they were in after the disaster that destroyed a lot of Tokyo.

This appeared to have caused their shared experience of the Borderland while they were unconscious.

At first, Ann didn’t wake up as her heart had stopped and fans were concerned for her welfare.

Thankfully, the doctors were able to operate on her successfully and Ann survived.

As of yet, the future of Alice in Borderland is unknown.

Netflix has yet to either renew or cancel the sci-fi thriller for a third outing.

But given its international popularity, it does seem like that more episodes are to come.


By Damyan Ivanov

My name is Damyan Ivanov and i was born in 1998 in Varna, Bulgaria. Graduated high school in 2016 and since then i'm working on wordpress news websites.