Padalecki Family with an major instructions of how hands must be washed
The wife of our beloved Sam a.k.a. (Jared Padalecki) just uploaded an Еducational Video of how to Handwash. They say that hands must be washed when they are visible soiled and the duration of the entire procedure must be 40-60 sec.
The Description of the Video is – “Families who wash their hands thoroughly together, stay #SaferAtHome together 👍🏻 In honor of #NationalDoctorsDay, we want to make sure we’re all doing our part (today and everyday!) by washing our hands, staying sanitized, and staying at home. Right now, being mindful and doing these seemingly little things are some of the biggest ways we can all show our gratitude and love for the doctors working on the front lines. The World Health Organization (@who) has released 5 ways to keep us all safe from COVID-19 and the number 1 way is by washing or sanitizing your hands thoroughly and frequently. Swipe 👉🏻 to see @who’s guidelines on how to properly wash your hands & I nominate @mrsadriennebosh, @mishacollins, @candacenelson, @jaceyduprie, @tylerjblackburn, @keeone, and @nicoletubiola to join me in the #SafeHands challenge!”
The Video is Below: