The popular show Supernatural ran for 15 seasons on The CW, starring actors Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki as brothers Dean and Sam Winchester. After the series finale aired in November 2020, after being pushed back because of the Covid outbreak, many fans thought this was it for the show, especially considering spin-offs were never picked up for the show. Little did we know Jensen Ackles had the rights to the show in his contract.

The Winchesters was announced in June 2021 and is set to arrive on The CW this fall. This show is the idea born from both Jensen and his wife Danneel Ackles, who both are executive producers on the show. From the trailer, we already have seen Dean Winchester on the big screen where Ackles will also be servicing as a narrator.

Sadly, it looks like Jared Padalecki won’t be returning as Sam Winchester anytime soon.

Jared Padalecki Had No Idea About The Winchesters
Both Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki’s friendship has been a huge thing off-screen for fans, basically being like brothers to one another. Last year he posted on social media congratulating his best friend and former co-star after the announcement of The Winchesters but fans soon found out he had no idea this was going on.

At recent Supernatural conventions, Jensen Ackles has talked about wanting to work again with Jared Padalecki, and many of us are hoping we will somehow get to see Sam Winchester at least one more time in the Supernatural prequel The Winchesters. At the moment, Padalecki is currently working on Walker which also airs on The CW. This show is also getting a prequel which we don’t know if we will see him in either.

If The Winchesters gets picked up for a season 2, there’s an opening for a potential return from Padalecki as Sam Winchester.


By Damyan Ivanov

My name is Damyan Ivanov and i was born in 1998 in Varna, Bulgaria. Graduated high school in 2016 and since then i'm working on wordpress news websites.