Viewer complaints about AMC’s The Walking Dead to the FCC include criticisms about its violence, language, gore and satanism.

* Netflix just cancelled another original show

Over the past three years, some viewers of The Walking Dead complained to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) about the content of the successful AMC series.

Observer made a Freedom of Information request to the agency and obtained 28 pages of FCC complaints about The Walking Dead that span Jan. 1, 2017 to Feb. 1, 2020. The complaints cover various factors related to the show, including its violence, gore, language and satanism.

One viewer took particular exception to the villain Negan striking opponents with his signature weapon, a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. “Watching human beings bashed over the head with a [sic] barbwired basball bat over and over is just plain gore. Here I am days later and still freaked out rom what I saw and can’t erase the image from my memory. It was that horrific.”

Other viewers objected to promos for The Walking Dead that appeared on The Hallmark Channel, CMT and elsewhere, with a Texas resident calling a commercial shown on TV Land and The Food Network “a gross, disgusting depiction that I believe is inappropriate for morning shows.”

Several cited curse words used on the show, with one Michigan viewer making a list of objectionable terms that were “too common on this program.”

A Georgia resident even called the show “satanic.” “I am filing a huge complaint against the violence that was on display in the walking dead over the past year. The show has crossed a line into satanic over the top violence,” the complaint read. “You should all be ashamed and may go [sic] have mercy on your souls.”

* A large number of angels to appear in “Supernatural” Season 15?!



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